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![]() ![]() ![]() The Music of the Spheres
![]() TH
![]() ![]() I
![]() ![]() ![]() MANNA
Angelic arms surround the harp as angel voices sing
With velvet strokes the cords are pulled until the echoes ring
The gold and crystal diamond picks begin to pluck the strings
And all our woes are flown away upon the gossamer wings
And I walk down celestial halls and bells begin to ring
And I begin to sing the song the song the angels sing
![]() ![]() ![]() MAY'S GOLD
Ah spring it's in the air again
As angels court and angels sing
The heavenly song of earth's rebirth
The alleluia's of the earth
The songs the angels sing in may
The songs of legends myth and truth
Are songs sung ancient ore the land
Decide yourself which is the root
And all things dead become reborn
And resurrection swells the world
And happy face becomes forlorn
Because the angels have unfurled
The mysteries deep within the song
Creation process in the making
And life begins again to throng
And all is ours but for the taking
Is it ancient goddess of old
Or new god born to steal the gold
![]() ![]() ![]() THE ANGEL OF THE WEDDING
Oh angel babies loosely lie
In the cradle of my heart
And shoot sweet arrows to the sky
And give our love a start
And pierce us deep within the fold
In chambers where you can
And tell to us the tales untold
Of merry maid and man
And make him mine a bit divine
A man among the men
Our love should bloom our love should shine
Till wedding bells ring then
And down the aisle we'll gladly go
Our two hearts beat as one
To know that angels made it so
A daughter and a son
![]() ![]() ![]() MOONBEAM ANGEL
Moonbeam angel slightly bright
Bend your rays to my delight
Dancing off my bedroom walls
Echoing the midnight calls
Curfew rings throughout the world
When you begin your little twirl
Glancing dancing darting down
Moonbeam angels come to Town
Old lamplighter light the light
Blending some in dark delight
Olden golden Celtic spells
Written in the book of Kells
Moonbeam angels always there
Your little darting lights to share
Sprinkle like a spring time shower
In the darkest twilight hour
Those dots and dashes flitting light
Like angels dancing in the night
How many angels on a pin head
Can dance this dance and then be thread
Slimmer glimmer gliding hope
Like every bead that winds the rope
Of rosary bead and buddah prayer
Dancing worldwide everywhere
Moonbeam angels slide thy light
And let us find sweet dreams tonight
We have gone, then you and I
Along the golden streets
We have soared with Pegasus
Our hearts spread wide
We have danced in the garden of our dreams
We have loved many loves and some have loved back
So we sat mesmerized
Our souls like incense rising
Burning on the fat Buddha
The altars to our youth
We have proffered like innocent children
Our hearts on metal dishes
And measured out our lives in Eliot's spoons.
I have seen a maiden shine from off the wall
A flower fair, a beauty far too clear
To be seen with the naked eye
Her heart became a shelf of love
For me to hang my pictures on
Tortured memories froze her fingers
So she could barely sketch her own reflection
Afraid to see her colors upon the looking glass
Computerized but cold accurate precise
Annabel lee is down to sea in her crystal bell glass jar
She sees the world's ancient breath
And tells us who we are
But kings make wars and deceive us
And women always bleed the first time
And we left ravaged, stripped and bare upon the sands
Our shells of femininity scorched forever
As lace just reveals the surge
So you read your Emily Dickinson
And I my Robert Frost
And we now enjoy the meaning
We have loved and we have lost
And your woman's soul selected company
As misery so does love it
And we have shared our women's tears
Together we have left all the steel cages behind
Yes Lil was a pair of ragged claws
Yes there will be time
For others to see you soft, demure and passive
But I have seen you strong and bold
Your women's heart running naked towards the sun
For you feared it not nor I
Your artist's soul lost in a material world
Of lace and lavender and kings
I have seen your incense burning on the altar
I have seen your girl's dreams go up to heaven
I have seen your true colors
Drip back upon the palette of your life
I have held your hand when kings have come and gone
And you, my friend, have held mine
For we have heard the mermaid singing
Each to each
Standing six feet tall and broad
In hues of green and gold
He is the Clauheen awe of God
Majestic to behold
He guided Paddy's foot ashore
The green and emerald isle
And smote the heathen all the more
To make St. Patrick smile
He skit the serpent adder tongue
And blazed the shamrock green
And every single battle won
Upon the Celtic scene
He spieled the druid secret law
Upon the hearts of men
And told dear Paddy maket more
Of Christians in the glen
He strode the braggart bodie bogs
And builded stoney wall
And kept the towers from the dogs
And claimed the souls of all
He opened panders box of gale
And loosened every whim
And hope was all that could prevail
And always followed him
He taught St. Paddy Trinity
The three that are in one
And did it from the symmetry
Of shamrock in the sun
And so the emerald isle is green
And so St. Paddy did
Become the saint of all Shauneen
And kept his magic hid
![]() ![]() ![]() THE ANGEL OF THE RED FERN
Where ere the red fern grows
There angels planted deep
A seed of love and loyalty
The soul's alone to reap
For brave and maiden laid them down
And frozen to the bone
Their lifeless forms did tarry there
And lost their own way home
Then lying still for many years
The red fern finally grew
Between the hearts of both of them
Their love was born anew
The Cherokee did roam the plain
With legends in his trunk to tell
Until sweet Sophie took his name
He couldn't get the myths to sell
But Sophie's love was pure and true
Like the maiden of the tale
Loyalty her soul's sweet mate
Alive their love would so prevail
And legend had the tale to tell
And passed down the myth
And angels only grew the seed
And angels planted it
![]() ![]() ![]() THE ANGEL OF THE RAINBOW
Go shining, oh rainbow warrior
Floating on silver clouds
Through golden waterfalls
And let soft drops fall
On my warriors heart
Thou archer of the soul
Float over poppy meadows
And make them spring
Exotic notions of the soft souls of man
That we might walk proudly
And dance with joy
This dervish dance of life
While floating ever free
But always held by gossamer strings
To the universal ball
Go shining rainbow warrior
Floating on silver clouds
Through golden waterfall
And let thy quiver be full
Of twinkling stars and then
We know thou art the twinkle
In the eye of man!
There is no angel jollier
Than legends ole St. Nick
He comes within the quite of night
And he is very quick
He travels near he travels far
His bounty he does share with all
And while his heart is ten feet big
His frame is only four feet tall
He is the stuff of chidlren's dreams
He is the suff of Fairy Tales
He lives with many magic folk
And Christmas time he never fails
And whethere you believe or not
The fact that he is true
The one thing that you can't deny
That proves his case to you
At christmas time mankind is kind
Than any other time
The spirit of St. Nick prevails
And makes the chuch bells chime
In Holland long long time ago
He was a man like you
He loved with such a love devine
That the angels gave him due
And when he died they sent a sleigh
To bring him heaven bound
And cherubim and angel babe
Did clamor all around
And as the years went by you see
The lord did bid them stay
And they became the eleves and deer
That guided St. Nick's sleigh
So brightly bold decked out in great
Colors green and red
And with a wreath of holly leaves
To crown his dear old head
Did legend slow becom the myth
Did myth become the truth
For men talk many tongues you know
But always at the root
Is something real like you and me
And that is how it was
The dutch still say St. Nicolas
But we say Santa Clause
All images from Amanda Penrose
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And a sound was heard in heaven
(decipher this)
A Hanbury Cross Publications
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